Thursday, February 28, 2008

Book v. Book, or March Madness for Nerds

This isn't related to the Finest Things Club per se, but it is awesome nonetheless: Tournament of Books. As you will see, this website, the Morning News (also recommended), has created a NCAA-ish bracket situation, except with books! They have guest judges who read two books, pick a winner, and send a book on to the next round. Arbitrary book competitions are the best. I have heard of only 7 of these books and read none, but I'm still excited for the battle.

Speaking of not reading books, am I the only one who has finished Under the Jaguar Sun? I'll be posting about it soon, but I have a sinking feeling that no one else has read it (including the FTC's own creator! You are outed, Stephanie!). February is going to be over soon! Good thing it's a Leap Year; you have one more day!

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