Thursday, January 24, 2008

Finest Things Club: On book selection

Now that you have pledged your undying fealty to the FTC and are set to post on the site, the time has come to contribute in a very personal manner with duly considered book selections. To that end, we present some very bare guidelines to inform your deliberation process:

1. You select three different books, not all from the same author.

2. You may have read one of your books previously (and of course you'll be rereading it), but you may not have studied any of them in any class at any time.

3. You may not "second" anyone else's selection(s). Three distinct works from you unique, literate folks will make for a more diverse booklist.

4. Finally, actually consider whether your books will inspire discussion and debate. We all enjoy irony, but FTC isn't just an opportunity to observe culture foppishly (that's only like 60 percent of its purpose). So, as much as I want to dissect the no doubt profound motifs in Nicole Richie's (almost certainly) ghostwritten first novel, "The Truth About Diamonds" (HarperEntertainment, 2005), (You don't believe me, you click right here:, I think we all know that the novelty of that sort of selection would wear off fast.

Post your choices here as soon as you make them. This round, we'll pull the titles out of a hat on Jan. 30. Then we'll post the six tentative winners and give everyone a chance to veto; we turn the first page Feb. 1.

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